For monthly Social Media tips |
- video joke about Pope Joke, limo
- used on some business page posts
- Great joke - Funny military joke
- Ok joke about catholics taking endorsements
- Jokes about Tiger Woods
- Joke about Christmas and pearly gates
- Joke about parking place
- below par joke about little Johnny sick at church
- gangsta joke
- joke about boy at circus
- not yet - hope the mob doesn't find my mafia joke
- Irish guy going to confession joke
- funny blonde joke #1 about tracks
- semi-funny blonde joke #2 about carburetor
- with Microsoft engineer
- Mom's favorite joke - pope driving in Boston
- joke about the Irish drunk in a confessional
- joke about female stow away
- joke about wife and 800 dollar debt
- joke about blonde and long flight time
- joke about salesman and double to enemy
- joke about old guy working out
- video - tragedy joke
- joke about water in the carburetor
- video joke about fish swimming into wall from social media sales speaker, Boston, New York
- joke about Tim Tebow, quarterback
- joke about woman caught speeding
- joke about blonde wanting a bank loan
- video joke about winnie the pooh
Funny picture:
Social Media Training Demo video: