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LinkedIn Speaker & Trainer for Sales, Marketing, and Job Hunters - Patrick O'Malley

LinkedIn error - You are not the intended recipient of this email

If you are getting this error, you have at least 2 LinkedIn accounts.  You should merge them into one.  The LinkedIn Help page will tell you that you can't do this.  However, if you look at my page at LinkedIn merge two accounts, I have an explanation of how you should

- get all of the email addresses for the connections at the smallest account
- delete the smalllest account
- add the email addresses to the larger account

More LinkedIn Videos and Tips

To see my free LinkedIn Tutorial, click here.

My 2 minute demo video:

For more information about booking Patrick O'Malley as a Linkedin speaker, email or call 617-PATRICK, i.e. 617-728-7425.

Note that

  • I do not work for LinkedIn
  • LinkedIn is not spelled Linked In
Patrick O'Malley & Associates